Certificate Course in Programming Language C
Certificate Course in Programming Language C
Certificate Course in Programming Language C
Using the computer language C, this course teaches participants how to solve problems. The goal of the course is to assist participants in determining which solution is optimal for a particular issue. C is used to create networking protocols, virtual reality apps, automotive systems, and Internet of Things devices. Its applicability is also growing into new fields including cybersecurity, blockchain development, and quantum computing. C is still a foundational language in computer science and software engineering because of its large libraries and frameworks. It has many uses in a variety of sectors, making it a useful expertise. The participants will be able to recognise an improved data structure that efficiently stores and arranges data on a computer system for problem-solving and efficient application in a variety of scenarios.
3 Month
The assessment of the student will be done by an end examination, minimum passing marks will be 50%.
Course Fee:
Rs 3000/-
10th passed
C syllabus
Introduction to C Programming
- History and Evolution of C
- Characteristics and Features of C
- Applications and Importance of C
Variables and Data Types:
- Variables: Used to store data values such as integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and more.
- Data Types: Includes basic types like int, float, char, double, as well as derived types such as arrays, structures, unions, and pointers.
Basic Structure of C Programs
- Structure of a C Program
- Header Files and Pre-processor Directives
- Writing and Running First C Program
- Modular units of code that perform specific tasks.
- Defined using a return type, name, parameters, and body.
- Can be called within the same file or across different files using function prototypes.
Unit- 3
Data Types, Variables, and Constants
- Primitive Data Types: int, float, char, double
- Derived Data Types: arrays, structures, unions, pointers
- Variable Declaration, Initialization, and Scope
- Constants: Numeric, Character, String Constants
Control Structures:
- Conditional Statements: if, else if, else, switch
- Loops: for, while, do-while
Operators and Expressions
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational and Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Increment and Decrement Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Arithmetic Operators (+, -, *, /, %)
- Relational Operators (==,!=, <, >, <=, >=)
- Logical Operators (&&, ||, !)
- Assignment Operators (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=)
Control Flow Statements
- Conditional Statements: if, else-if, else
- Switch Case Statements
- Loops: for, while, do-while
- Break and Continue Statements
Arrays and Strings:
- Arrays: Contiguous memory locations used to store multiple values of the same type.
- Strings: Arrays of characters terminated by a null character (\0).
Functions and Modular Programming
- Function Definition and Declaration
- Function Arguments and Return Values
- Function Prototypes and Scope
- Recursion and Recursive Functions
- Standard Library Functions
- Variables that store memory addresses.
- Used for dynamic memory allocation, array manipulation, and building complex data structures.
Arrays and Strings
- Array Declaration, Initialization, and Manipulation
- Multi-dimensional Arrays
- Character Arrays and String Operations
- String Handling Functions
Structures and Unions:
- Structures: User-defined data types that allow storing multiple variables of different types under a single name.
- Unions: Similar to structures but allocate memory for only one member at a time, allowing different types to share the same memory location.
Pointers and Memory Management
- Pointer Basics and Declaration
- Pointer Arithmetic and Arrays
- Dynamic Memory Allocation: malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free()
- Pointers and Functions
- Pointers and Structures
File Handling:
- Functions and operations to perform input/output operations on files.
- Includes operations like opening, reading, writing, and closing files using file pointers.
Structures and Unions
- Structure Definition and Declaration
- Structure Members, Initialization, and Access
- Nested Structures and Arrays of Structures
- Unions: Definition, Declaration, and Use
Pre-processor Directives:
- Instructions processed by the pre-processor before the compilation process.
- Includes directives like #include, #define, #ifdef, #ifndef, #endif, and more.
File Handling and I/O Operations
- File Operations: Opening, Reading, Writing, Closing Files
- File Pointers and Operations
- Sequential and Random-Access Files
- Standard I/O Functions: fscanf(), fprintf(), fgets(), fputs()
Memory Management:
- Dynamic memory allocation and deallocation using functions like malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), and free().
- Understanding concepts like stack and heap memory, pointers, and memory leaks.